The National Postgraduate Clinical Neuroanatomy Competition 2019

Welcome to the 2019 National Postgraduate Clinical Neuroanatomy Competition, the only event of its kind in the UK. For the third year running, this competition gives junior doctors the chance to set themselves apart from other candidates in the competitive world of neurology and neurosurgery. Now, for the first time ever the competition is open to postgraduate anatomists.
The event will include a 36 part neuroanatomy spotter based on cadaveric dissections, a neuroimaging spotter and a 60 question clinically orientated multiple choice paper. There will be 1 prize awarded for the best performing junior doctor and 1 for the best performing anatomist. In the afternoon, there will be a masterclasses for junior doctors and anatomists respectively along with a chance to receive feedback on the spotter papers.
If you have any questions please feel free to email us at
Date: 7th December 2019
Venue: Centre for Learning Anatomical Sciences, University Hospital Southampton, Tremona Road, Southampton, SO16 6YD
Doctors: Available to all pre-registrar junior doctors (up to and including ST3) who have not competed in NUNC 2019. All specialties welcome.
Anatomists: Those with a bachelors in anatomical sciences, those undertaking a masters in anatomy or those undertaking a PhD in anatomy but yet to complete it.
COST: £50
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