The National Undergraduate Neuroanatomy Competition Team

Meet the 2025 NUNC Team

Professor Scott Border

Co-founder and Director of NUNC

Head of Anatomy, University of Glasgow

Manon Gervais

NUNC Primary Chair

MBChB student (4th Year)

BSc Biomedecial Sciences (Anatomy), University of Aberdeen

Isabelle Choong En Xin

NUNC Secondary Chair

MBChB student (3rd Year)

Riya Philip

NUNC Welfare Officer

MBChB student (4th Year)

Thea Mahbubani

NUNC Secretary

MBChB with BAO student (2nd Year)

Danielle Blumer

NUNC Marketing Officer

Neuroscience student (3rd Year)

Dr Emma Reid

Neuroscience Faculty Liaison

Lecturer in Neuroscience, University of Glasgow

 Dr Claire Fitton

Anatomy Faculty Liaison

Lecturer in Anatomy, University of Glasgow