National Undergraduate Neuroanatomy Competition Store

The 12th NUNC will be held in-person on the 8th June 2024 at the University of Glasgow 

Tickets out now!


As a medical student, do I sign up for the pre-clinical or clinical category?

We recommend you select clinical if you will have begun full-time clinical placements by June 2024. This includes intercalating students who intercalate after clinical placements have started.

We will be standardizing categories across the board for the purpose of prizes - however, the questions will be the same regardless of your chosen category.

I am not a medical student - can I still take part?

We are officially open to any students studying an undergraduate degree in the UK or Ireland whose degree includes an anatomy component (e.g. Anatomy, Neuroscience). If you are unsure whether your course qualifies, please get in touch. 

I will be travelling from far away - will there be any compensation for my travel costs?

As a national competition for the UK and Ireland, we aim to provide equal opportunity for everyone. As in previous years, there will be travel bursaries available for a limited number of competitors which we will inform you of in due course.

Is there any help available for covering ticket costs?

We aim to keep our prices affordable for the majority of students, but recognise there may be students wanting to attend who will not be able to cover the cost of standard ticket pricing. We recommend you apply to our widening participation scheme for help with ticket costs.